NOTE 1: Microsoft introduced a NASTY bug after release that is causing errors in sample code. Please read the Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2015 errata page – item #1 in particular – for details on how to work around this.

Note 2: I get a lot of questions from people looking for the sample database file referenced in hour 21. That database IS in the sample files listed below. Simply extract the appropriate zip file, and look in the Hour 21 folder that gets created.


Teach Yourself Visual Basic

Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2015

Click the title above to get sample files for Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2015

Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2012

Get sample files for Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2012

Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2010

Get sample files for Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2010

Teach Yourself C#